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Q: Why did many investors were willing to take out loans to buy stocks?
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Which of these instruments invests money from many investors in stocks and other securities?

mutual funds

Which instruments invests money from many investors in stocks and other securities?

Mutual funds and Hedge Funds

Why did many investors buy stocks on speculation in the late 1920s?

Buyers hoped to make a quick profit.

Why do many investors like mutual funds?

Because not many investors know how to track the stock market and choose stocks effectively. That is why they prefer Mutual Funds where an expert fund manager does this on our behalf

What does it mean when Karen wants to buy stock but is worried about the current bear market?

that many investors are selling their stocks in anticipation of lower profits

What kind of information is available at the investors edge website?

At the Investors Edge website one can use their brokerage to invest one's money with them. They offer low cost trades and have many choices of investments, like stocks and mutual funds.

are there home loans available for people with bad credit?

Yes, there are many companies out there willing to do this. A few of them are Direct Lending Solutions, Quicken Loans and Mortgage Credit Problems.

Where can you get fast bridging loans?

Many online loan companies, such as Hard Money Services and the Loans Paradise offer fast-bridging loans. If you're willing to sacrifice some speed for a better reputation, Quicken Loans offers bridging loans and has a high reputation for service.

How can one get rich from buying penny stocks?

Penny stocks are cheap, because that's their value. However, many investors don't realize that penny stocks can grow to become high in value. The next time you create an investment portfolio, throw in a few penny stock and you will be surprised on the growth.

What exactly is a natural gas ETF?

It is a fund with many different types of natural gas stocks and bonds and is useful in diversification which lowers the investors risk. These stocks are from a mix of different companies and types of stock and trades just like the stock.

What was the 1929 stock market like?

The 1929 stock market crashed and the roaring 20s weren't so much roaring any more! That stock market crash led to the Great Depression and sent many to their knees.Stocks more than quadrupled from 1920 to 1929 and greedy investors were taking out numerous loans to buy more stock and when the stocks plummeted they lost all of that money they took out loans for. Not a good time for anyone!

What is the dominant source of financing for US corporations?

Many businesses go to banks to get loans. If the business is publicly traded, they are able to get financing through stocks.