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When the US bought Alaska from Russia for over $7,200,000, it was called 'Seward's Folly' for the Secretary of State who negotiated the deal. Hardly anyone in America knew anything about Alaska except that it was thought to be a frozen waste, too far north and too far from the lower 48 to be worth anything. In a word, ignorance.

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Q: Why did many people mock Williams Seward and purchase of Alaska?
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This is what the people of the US called Sewrd's purchase of Alaska because they thought it was a mistake?

The purchase of Alaska was called "Seward's Folly," or Seward's Icebox." The purchase of Alaska was called "Seward's Folly," or Seward's Icebox."

This described how people felt about the US purchase of Alaska?

Johnson's Icebox or Seward's Folly.

US first purchased Alaska from Russia many people referred to the purchase as?

Seward's Folly

Who is the man responsible for the purchase of Alaska?

He was William Seward from New York. Lincoln made him Secretary of State and he continued in the office under President Andrew Johnson. Skeptics referred to Alaska as Seward's folly and Seward's icebox.

What was the name of the purchase of Alaska from Russia?

US Secretary of State Seward was able to purchase the territory now known as the state of Alaska from Russia. Many people believed it was a worthless purchase and nicknamed it "Seward's Folly". The purchase took place in 1867. Until purchased by the US, it was called Russian Alaska. It turned out to be a valuable deal for the US.

Who was the secretary who urged congress to purchased Alaska?

William H. Seward, Andrew Johnson's Secretary of State, urged the purchase of Alaska. Its successful acquisition at the cost of $7,200,000 was the highlight of his tenure. The purchase, however, was not popular with the American people who viewed it mockingly as "Seward's Folly."

Why did people oppose the purchase of Alaska?

The negotiations were concluded on Mar 19, 2007, and the purchase was called Seward's Folly or Seward's Icebox. The citizens of the United States were not happy with the idea of this purchase because of the fact that it was noted to be a territory consisted of ice and a waste of money. What changed the American's views on this idea was when oil was found.

How did the public react when William Seward purchased Alaska in 1867?

The press and many US citizens ridiculed the purchase of Alaska by Secretary of State William Seward. The purchase in 1867 amounted to the US paying Russia $7,200,000. Few people understood why the territory known as Russian America was purchased. It was tagged with the name of "Seward's Folly".

What did William seward do?

One thing for which he is famous is negotiating the purchase of Alaska.

Who was the US Secretary of State who negotiated the purchase of Alaska in 1867?

U.S. Secretary of State William H. SewardThis was also known as Seward's Folly because most people in the USA thought it was stupid to purchase a vast wasteland of ice and snow.

What did people think of William Sewards decision to buy Alaska at the time?

The people thought that Seward was crazy to buy Alaska.

Why did people call the purchase of Alaskan lands Seward's Folly?

Because, after Secretary of State William Henry Seward bought Alaska in 1867, most people thought that the land was useless and that it was absurd for Seward to have spent the money to buy such a place.