

Why did men get shell shock?

Updated: 10/17/2022
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14y ago

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the fear of death and of the death of friends were two of the things a soldier had to live with. many just could not cope with the horrors they saw every day.

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How many men received shell shock in world war 1?

169,529 people had died from shell shock in ww1

Who had a shell shock?

solders at war had shell shock

What were the attitudes towards shell shock in ww1?

The attitudes towards shell shock were..............................................................................................................................................................................................not good

What happens when you get shell shock?

If you get shell shock you just sit in one place alone shaking and scared.

What are the ratings and certificates for Shell Shock - 1964?

Shell Shock - 1964 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16

When was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shock created?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shock was created in 2012.

What is shell shock called today?

The psychological problem known in WW I as shell shock is today known as post traumatic stress disorder.

Is the word shell shock hyphenated?

No, the term "shell shock" is typically not hyphenated. It is used to refer to a psychological condition caused by war trauma.

Where there any disabilities from the war?

You can get shell-shock

What actors and actresses appeared in Shell Shock - 2012?

The cast of Shell Shock - 2012 includes: John Cawthon as Recruiter Chase Myrick as Brian

When was shell shock first recognized?

Shell shock was first recognized during World War I, around 1914-1918. Symptoms of shell shock were initially attributed to physical injury or weakness until it was understood to be a psychological condition resulting from the trauma of combat.

How do you invite firends in shell shock live?

You can invite friend from shell shock live by pressing the code button.the your friend tell you what the code is. -kid buu