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people might illegally mine without a licence if they didn't receive one and more gold might be taken

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Q: Why did mining licences cause trouble?
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Why did mining licenses cause trouble?

because everone wanted one.

Why did the miners like the licenses on the goldfields?

They didn't. The licences were expensive, unfair, and were required to be paid whether or not the miner found gold. The controversy over the mining licences was one of the causes of the Eureka Stockade.

How does mining cause racism?

Mining does not cause racism. Racism may influence how mining is accomplished in terms of who does what, and how well safety procedures are implemented.

What are the disadvntages of mining?

mining can cause some water pollution

Why did the miners on the goldfields burn there liences?

They took a stand against the authority about the unfair laws of mining eg: The cost of Licences etc Which is now known as the "Eureka Stockade"

What can pesticides mining and manufacturing cause?

It can cause land pollution.

What damage could mining in Antarctica cause?

No mining is permitted in Antarctica: it is forbidden by The Antarctic Treaty.

Does mining cause saline soils?


What cause mining?

Mining is done b/c there is something valuable in the ground that we humans wants to use.

Are there any problems caused by solution mining?

soolution mining can cause subsidence of land where the salt used to be. this could cause buildings to collapse and ground to be ruined

What do bullies cause?

bullie cause trouble.

How do humans cause mechanical weathering?

They cause it by mining which breaks down rock physically