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thats a tough one

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Q: Why did most Americans support Jackson's actions in Florida?
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Why did Americans support Jackson's actions in Florida?

thats a tough one

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D: The Spanish offered the slaves the opportunity to own land.

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The majority of North Americans support same-sex marriage. The majority of (USA) Americans and Canadians support same-sex marriage, but the majority of Mexicans and those in Caribbean nations do not.

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About 61% of Americans support euthanasia. 32% of Americans support doctor assisted suicide. Others say that these practices are morally unacceptable.

Did ponce de Leon find gold in Florida?

No, gold is not in Florida. The geology of Florida doesn't support gold.

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To mentally, physically and emotionally sustain

How can somebody get out from child support?

Move to Florida

When a child goes to college do you still have to pay child support in Florida?

In the state of Florida, child support can end when the child reaches the age of emancipation, which is 18 years old in Florida, unless the child support order indicates otherwise. You should check your child support order if there is a statement indicating when support payments end. Check with the Clerk of Courts in the county where the child support order was entered to get a copy of your support order. You can have your child support payments terminated by applying with the Florida DOR or by court order through the modification process. Resources: Florida Clerks of Courts Florida Department of Revenue Modifying Child Support in Florida