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The root of the conflict starts way before most people are aware of. Back in the middle ages, Germany was not a single country. It was a collection of states similar to ancient Greece. These states were ruled by princes (essentially kings) that would occasionally fight but for the most part stayed united as one big country. Because of this, whenever the French would attack Germany, the French would usually win and kill thousands of Germans. This made the Germans hate the French. However after Wilhelm the first was crowned Emperor of Germany, the country was officially united. When the French tried attacking shortly after in a small war, they were crushed. This made the French also hate the Germans. Later in World War 1, the Germans and French were (not suprisingly) on opposite sides. The Germans rushed the french killing millions but the tides turned on the Germans and they also lost millions. A similar spectacle happened later in World War 2. The blood of the millions of civilians slaughtered by German and French forces along with a history of French raiding German lands caused the hate that is present between the countries today.

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Q: Why did most Germany hate the French so strongly?
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