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it means that maybe one of your friends or relaives might have a baby boy. that baby boy is much loved by your auntie and if you are a female it may mean you are pregnant.

Dreams reflect the dreamer's own thoughts, emotions and occasionally, information about one's physical condition. If you are a sexually active female of childbearing age and have repeated dreams about babies and pregnancy, it might be wise to get a pregnancy test. However, this particular dream of your aunt holding a baby is not particularly portentous. It might reflect some overheard conversation about someone in the family wanting a baby, or stories about events that happened when Aunt or Cousin So-and-So was pregnant. Babies in dreams often symbolize some important development, idea, project or anything new, precious and vulnerable.

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The first thing to remember when interpreting dreams is that the dream is about the dreamer. Your uncle is much less likely to be dreaming about your future than he is to be dreaming about some concern in his own life. So in your uncle's dream, "you" probably represent some aspect of himself, and the "baby" is a symbol of something new and important in his life.

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12y ago

This dream could reflect real life events in the dreamer's family, particularly if subtle hints are circulating about a new cousin. There need be nothing supernatural involved for the subconscious mind to notice clues about the aunt's condition. At the same time, the dream could be inaccurate and the chances of any future child being a girl are 50/50.

... Alternatively, the aunt and baby girl in this dream are more likely to represent aspects of the dreamer. The baby could symbolize the new, more mature person the dreamer is becoming, while the aunt symbolizes the family who must relate to the "new" individual.

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She (your niece) wants a cousin.

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Q: Why did my uncle dream of me holding a baby girl?
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