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Q: Why did objects in the solar nebula became spherical?
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The extra matter at the center of the solar nebula became the?

Inner planets

Are nebulaes in the solar system?

No. A nebula is generally much larger than a solar system. We believe that our sun and solar system came to be when a nebula collapsed under the influence of gravity, and the gas of the nebula became the Sun and our planets - and everything else.

What is the difference in between nebula and solar nebula?

A solar nebula is related to the formation of our Solar System, any other nebula is just a nebula.

What begins as a nebula?

Stars, planets, solar systems, many objects in space can start as a large unstructured nebula of gas and dust, which can coalesce into massive objects under gravitational influence.

Why do objects in the solar system revolve around the sun?

Due to the gravitational pull towards the sun, fron when the solar system was born in a solar nebula.

After the solar nebula collapsed its center became very hot and?

planetesimals formed the disk

Is a solar nebula larger than a neutron star?

Yes, a solar nebula is much larger than a neutron star. In terms of objects in space, neutron stars are tiny; only a few miles across. A stellar nebula such as the one that formed the sun is light years across.

The solar nebula was 98?

the solar nebula was 98% hydrogen and helium gas

After the planets formed the center mass of the solar nebula became so dense and hot that it formed?

A disk

What name is given to the concentration of mass that formed at the center of the solar nebula and eventually became the Sun?

The Protosun

What causes a solar nebula to initially begin to form a solar?

An explosion from outside the nebula

How was your solar system produced?

The solar system was produced by solar nebula. The nebula was disrupted by an unknow substance in the air.