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Q: Why did ordinary men and woman did not generally keep records of what they did?
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Why is it only the historians keep the records and not the ordinary people?

cos normal people dont care

How long should a hospital maintain outpatient medical records?

Generally hospitals keep medical records for up to seven years. The hospital must maintain inpatient and outpatient records for this time period.

Why do ordinary men and women not keep records of what they did?

Keeping records of daily activities may not be a priority for ordinary individuals as they might prioritize other tasks or responsibilities. Additionally, some may not see the value or benefits of maintaining such records in their everyday lives. Time constraints, lack of organization, or simply forgetting may also contribute to the lack of record-keeping for some people.

How many tornadoes happened in year 2004?

Worldwide statistics are not available as most countries do not keep records of tornadoes. The U.S. shich generally has the best records, had a record 1,817confirmed tornadoes in 2004.

How long do you have to keep records?

They have to keep records for 6 years after your last appointment

Uses of computer in GENERAL business?

keep sales records, keep payroll records

How long to keep deceased medical records in Georgia?

Many people would keep a deceased person's records for at least 10 years. Many people keep these records for longer than that.

Why do we keep business records?

to make fun of the records

How long do you keep medical records for HIPAA?

HIPAA has nothing to do with how long you have to keep medical records.

How long do you keep accounting records in the US?

How long to keep accounting records for business in the US

What type of writing did the Maya use to keep records?

To keep track of records, the Maya used astronomy.

How long do you have to keep tax records for a business?

We must keep tax records for 10 years for a business