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Neptune was the Roman god of the sea. (His Greek counterpart was named Poseidon!)

People believed in these gods -- and they had a LOT of them -- for the same reason that people today believe in Jesus, "God," Allah, or whatever. It is a social construct that gets passed down from generation to generation, often with people never questioning WHY they believe in it.

All gods are myths backed up by fables and other stories (such as The Bible) that help reinforce their existance. It's no wonder that every church meeting features readings from their bible -- they need to help reinforce the belief that these stories are real.

Well, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy seemed real when you were young. But, unlike the followers of religion, you eventually grew up.

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Neptune was the god of the sea in Roman mythology (derived from the god Poseidon of Greek mythology) and to my knowledge, he is not worshipped anymore. In earlier times, sailors used to pray to Neptune for safe voyages.