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Charles Darwin is hated only by religious idiots fundamentalists.

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Hello fam it charles here BOI
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I had a blast with mr knight
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15y ago

Because his views opposed the churches. The church said that god created everything as they are now. Darwin believed in evolution.

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Charles Darwin's name was Charles Robert Darwin.

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Why do religious people hate Charles Darwin?

Not all religious people hate Charles Darwin. Some religious individuals may disagree with his theory of evolution because they believe it contradicts their religious beliefs about the origins of life. However, many individuals are able to reconcile their religious beliefs with the scientific theory of evolution.

Why did so many people hate Charles Darwin?

Charles Darwin was not hated during his lifetime. He was loved by his family, honored and respected among his peers. In more recent times certain religious groups have come to view Darwin's theories as detrimental to their peculiar religious beliefs, resulting in animosity against the memory of the man and his fundamental theory of biology.

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