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Because farming turned out to be a safer, more reliable, and easier way to get food.

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People shifted from hunters and gatherers to farmers because farming allowed for a more reliable and abundant food supply. By domesticating plants and animals, early humans could produce their own food instead of relying solely on hunting and foraging. This shift also led to the development of settled communities, the division of labor, and the eventual establishment of civilizations.

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Q: Why did people shift from hunters and gatherers to farmers?
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What did the world population do when hunter gatherers became farmers?

As hunter-gatherers transitioned to farming, settlements became more permanent, populations grew, and societies became more complex. This shift also led to the development of agriculture, the domestication of animals, and the establishment of trade networks.

What was the switch from hunter-gatherers to farmers called?

The switch from hunter-gatherers to farmers is called the Neolithic Revolution. This transition marked the shift from a nomadic lifestyle dependent on foraging for food to settled communities that practiced agriculture and domesticated animals. It occurred around 12,000 years ago and had a profound impact on human society.

What role did the food supply play in shaping the nomadic life of hunter gatherers and the settled life of the farmers?

they followed the animals as they migrated so did the nomads

Why did humans change from hunter gatherers to farmers?

Humans transitioned from hunter-gatherers to farmers due to the development of agriculture around 10,000 years ago. This shift was driven by the need to secure a stable food supply, leading to the domestication of plants and animals. Farming allowed for more efficient food production, leading to settled communities and the beginnings of civilization.

What happened to the world population when many people changed from hunter-gatherers to farmers Why did this happen?

The world population increased when people transitioned from hunter-gatherers to farmers due to agriculture creating a more stable food supply, allowing for larger populations to be sustained. This shift led to the development of permanent settlements and the accumulation of surplus resources, which in turn enabled population growth over time.

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The theme of "Hunters in the Snow" by Tobias Wolff explores the complexities of masculinity, friendship, and deception. It also delves into the harsh realities of human nature, highlighting themes of betrayal and isolation among the characters.

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It depends on the number of people on the shift!

When is a shift considered your shift?

If you are talking about a Job Then your shift starts when ever the boss or overall leader of the group of people or workplace you are in tells you it starts.

What is represented by a shift in the demand curve?

A shift in the demand curve shows either an increase or a decrease in demand. If more people suddenly start buying an item, their demand for it increases and the curve will shift. Likewise, if people stop buying a product the curve will also shift, but in the opposite direction.

Major demographic shift of the 1920s?

one is the large number of Americans who moved to the suburbs since there was an industrial boom and farmers weren't doing so swell.

How did popular culture and mass media advertising contribute to the demise downfall of America's farmers?

Popular culture and mass media advertising helped create an idealized image of urban life, influencing young people to move away from rural areas and pursue city lifestyles. This led to a decrease in the number of farmers and a shift towards industrial agriculture. Additionally, advertising promoted mass-produced goods, making it harder for small-scale farmers to compete in the market.

Can people shift into animals mentally?

No. There is no method by which this is possible.

What is third shift?

The people who work from 11 PM or Midnight until 6 or 8 AM. Also called the graveyard shift.

How do consumers taste affect demand?

If people's taste shift away from good, demand curve will shift left, if people prefer a good more, demand shifts right.

What does shift buddies mean?

Shift buddies is used to describe two people that work the same shift. This might mean that they work the same schedule, and keep eachother responsible, or in line.

Does Daylight Saving Time still help reduce traffic accidents and farmers today?

New studies show that the savings due to the time shift is negligible. I don't know of any studies for accidents but most farmers i know don't like daylight savings at all.

Who did the feudal lords shift power to?

Merchants and the common people.