

Why did people think of new questions and ideas?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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By nature, people are thinkers! Even people who have little education often think of new solutions, new ways to do things, or--even new questions about ordinary things!

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Q: Why did people think of new questions and ideas?
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Why do people think things?

i think that people should think new ideas to inprove the world

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people could think the new ideas are more reasonable and go with the new idea or simply because others are doing it.

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people There are a number of specific techniques for generating new ideas. You can combine existing ones, for example ("bicycle" + "television" = "pedal-powered TV"), or adopt a different perspective (how would an alien think about this matter?).

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Trade and commerce between civilizations helped to?

I think all four: Exchange new ideas Spread languages Share new inventions Make people rich