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Q: Why did people who lived hundreds of years ago think that the sun revolved around earth?
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How did people views of earths as a planet change during the renaissance?

Before the Renaissance, people believed the planets and the sun revolved around the Earth. During the Renaissance, Copernicus discovered and that the Earth and the planets revolved around the sun.

Who was Nickolaus Copernicus and what was his famous theory?

He had a theory that the earth revolved around the sun. Hundreds of years later, scientists proved he was right. Back then, everybody believed Aristotle and they thought the earth was at the center of the universe and everything revolved around it. Galileo kind of based his theory on that too, but it was Copernicus who thought of it.

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Earth has revolved around the sun.

Who said the earth revovled around the sun?

Both Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei said that the Earth revolved around the Sun. Many from their time believed the Sun revolved around the Earth.

Who swore that the earth revolved around the sun?

Copernicus and Galileo discovered the earth revolves around the sun. Any number of people may have sworn to this.

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everything revolved around the earth.

What are some of Copernicus' discoveries and contributions?

he discovered that the earth revolved around the sun (heliocentricity) and at that time everyone believed that the sun/planets revolved around the earth (geocentricity)

Why did Galileo think plants revolve around the sun?

Galileo thought planets revolved around the sun because when he observed Jupiter, he noticed that its moons revolved around Jupiter and not earth. So everything else led up to that the Earth revolved around the sun.

Most ancient astronomers thought that all celestial objects revolved around?

Earth. I had the same question on a science packet.

Who said earth revolved around sun?

Galileo Galilei.

What did Galileo Galilei do that was so important?

Galileo Galilei improved the telescope for his observations. He proved to the world that the earth revolved around the sun. Many people at that time period thought the sun revolved around the earth. Copernicus was actually the first to present the view that the earth revolved around sun but he was laughed at. Galileo proved the theory of Copernicus was correct. Even though Galileo proved this, people took a few years to accept this fact