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Q: Why did peter a disciple of Jesus have a temper?
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How do you know peter had a temper?

Peter displayed moments of impulsiveness and aggression in the Bible, such as cutting off the ear of a high priest's servant during Jesus' arrest. Additionally, he often spoke before thinking and had conflicts with other disciples. This behavior suggests that Peter had a temper.

The first and the best disciple was?

If you ask who was Jesus best disciple it would be Symon whom he called Peter.

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here we can say it is Simon Peter.

Why did Simon Peter follow Jesus?

Simon Peter followed Jesus because Jesus called him to be his disciple, and Peter was drawn to Jesus' teachings and presence. Peter recognized Jesus as the Messiah and experienced firsthand the power and love of Jesus in his life. He was also inspired to follow Jesus by witnessing the miracles and witnessing Jesus' compassion for others.

When did Jesus call peter to be a discple?

Jesus called peter to be a disciple after the miracle of the fishes. This is when he made them "fishers of men."