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Q: Why did president McKinley send out the you.s.s Maine to cuba?
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Why did president McKinley send the USS Maine to Havana Cuba?

President McKinley sent the U.S.S Maine to Cuba to evacuate Americans.

The battleship Maine was sent to cuba by president McKinley to?

Good will and show of force.

If you were a young person who joined to fight to free Cuba?

president McKinley sent the uss Maine to

President McKinley sent the USS Maine to what Spanish colony to protect Americans living there?


What did president McKinley list in his demands to Spain after sinking of the Maine in 1898?

Pau compensation for the Maine, End concentration camps in cuba, and sign a truce.

What president wanted to buy Cuba?

President McKinley offered to buy Cuba but his offer was rejected.

What president fought the Spaniards in Cuba and the Philippines?


When a revolution broke out in 1898 what did President McKinley do to protect American citizens and businesses in Cuba?

He sent the USS Maine to Havana in case American citizens needed to be evacuated.

What gave president McKinley authorization to act in Cuba?

Teller Amendment

In 1899 Who did President McKinley appoint as governor over Cuba?

Leonard Wood

President McKinley took the US into war with Spain because he?

a) Knew that they were guilty of humans rights abuses in Cuba. b) Believed that Spain was guilty in some unknown way with the sinking of the USS Maine.

How was William McKinley involved in the spanish ameriacn war?

The impetus for the war was the revolt of Cuba against Spanish rule. Many Americans including Democratic leadership in Congress sympathized with the Cuban independence movement and wanted the US to intervene. President McKinley was against war with Spain but after the Battleship Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, McKinley yielded to popular opinion and agreed to send American troops into Cuba. This action caused Spain to declare war and the US reciprocated. McKinley served as US president during the short war.