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Q: Why did prince Henry bring merchants in the early 1400?
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What kind of people did prince Henry bring together in the early 1400?

Prince Henry brought together merchants in the early 1400's to find another cheaper route by which they can get goods from Asia

What kind of people of the prince Henry bring together in the early 1400s?

Prince Henry brought together merchants in the early 1400's to find another cheaper route by which they can get goods from Asia

Who was the Portuguese prince who supported early exploration?

prince Henry

Which Portuguese Prince supported early exploration?

Prince Henry, called "The Navigator".

What did prince Henry do in his early work?

Worked hard

How was Prince Henry the navigator early life?

well he was a prince so i would think any thing that a a good prince would have in comman

Prince Henry was an early explorer for who?

For himself. He was the leader of Portugal and sent others out to explore.

What was prince Henry the navigators early life like?

was very hunteres and courages in the olden days

Who helped Portugal take an early read and exploration by providing money to study navigation?

Prince Henry the Navigator

Who started the portuguese sailing school?

Prince Henry the Navigator is credited with starting the Portuguese sailing school in the 15th century. He was a key figure in the early days of the Age of Exploration, promoting maritime exploration and navigation.

What early pioneer of exploration sponsored ships to travel the coasts of Africa?

Prince Henry sponsored the expeditions.

Who established a school for navigation?

Prince Henry of Portugal (known as Henry the Navigator, 1394-1460) was a patron of navigators, cartographers, and explorers in the early 1400s. Partly due to his influence with his father, John I, Portugal discovered and colonized the Madeira and Azores islands off the Atlantic coast of Africa.