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Prohibition gained support before it was established but lost support throughout the 1920's and early 1930's. And opposition to it accelerated rapidly after the mid-1920's as the problems it created multiplied and became increasingly serious.

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Q: Why did prohibition gain support in the 1920s?
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Did Prohibition increase or decrease in the 1920s?

National Prohibition in the US began in 1920 but support for it declined throughout the 1920s.

Prohibition in the 1920s?


Did the KKK support prohibition?

The KKK of the 1920s was established in near Atlanta in 1915 largely to protect and defend Georgia's statewide prohibition that has been imposed a few years earlier.

What was the KKK like during the 1920s?

It was strong across the nation, largely, but not entirely, because of its support and enforcement of National Prohibition.

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Who passed the law for prohibition in the 1920s?

The law for prohibition in the 1920s was passed under the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which went into effect in 1920. This amendment banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages in the United States.

How did prohibition make people violent in the 1920s?

By increasing crime, Prohibition led to violence.

Which states were not affected by prohibition in the 1920s?

All US states were affected by National Prohibition.

How did the Ku Klux Klan flourish?

Because of the politice situation. The Klan of the 1920s gained much support because of its promotion and defense of National Prohibition.

What year did prohibition end?

The Prohibition Act ended April 7th, 1933.

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What kinds social conflicts developed during the 1920s?

Prohibition was the largest social conflict in the 1920s.