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Reverend hale told the accused witches to confess beecause, he lost all faith in the court and wanted to save them from getting hanged. The accused witches however refused to confess.

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Q: Why did reverend hale tell the accused witches to confess in the crucible?
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What is an example of situational irony in The Crucible?

Reverend Hale tries to convince the accused witches to confess, even if they are innocent. - Ironic because those who are honest, die, and those who confess, even though they are lying, will live.

Why does reverend hale tell the accused witches to confess?

Reverend Hale was the Puritan pastor during the Salem Witch Trials. He told the witches to confess falsely in order to save their lives.

Why does Hale tell the accused witches to confess?

Reverend Hale was the Puritan pastor during the Salem Witch Trials. He told the witches to confess falsely in order to save their lives.

What is the significance of the scene between Herrick and the accused witches in The Crucible?

The scene between Herrick and the accused witches in The Crucible is meant to be humorous. Its significance is to illustrate how bad the conditions are.

What were some of the punishments the witches got in the crucible?

In "The Crucible," the accused witches faced severe punishments, such as being hanged if they refused to confess to witchcraft. Some were also imprisoned, whipped, or pressed to death with heavy stones. Additionally, their reputations were tarnished, leading to social isolation and ostracism.

Why does parris send for the reverend hale?

Reverend Parris is a character in Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible. He sent for Reverend Hale because Parris needed an expert on witchcraft and he wanted Reverend Hale's help in hunting down witches.

In the crucible what object did parris see as an intentional threat to his life?

In "The Crucible," The Reverend Parris finds a dagger stuck in his door and views it as a threat on his life. He then proceeds to bet the judges not to continue with their plans to hang the accused witches, because he feels this would cause whoever left the dagger, to follow through with their plans.

What are examples of situational irony in the crucible act 3?

About 100 people sign a petition so that they may testify for the women who were accused of being witches. These same people were later arrested for being witches.

How many of the Salem witches confessed?

Approximately 50. When they confessed they were not given the death penalty because their souls were said to be in God's hands. The first to confess was Tituba, Reverend Parris' slave.

Why were witches accused?

"Witches" did not really exist, but people were frightened by the thought of them. They would burn or hang witches. Citezens that nobody liked were usually accused of being witches in order do get rid of them. Others were accused because they did not fit in or were very strange, so they were suspects of practicing witchcraft.

What did they do to the accused witches at Salem?

The accused were arrested, jailed, and tried. If they were convicted, they were hanged.

What were the punishments for accused witches?

hung & burnt