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so they could tell where they are and wont get lost

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Q: Why did sailors use lodestones as a compass a long time ago?
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Why do pilots and sailors use a compass?

Pilots and sailors first instrument used in flying and sailing was a compass so they could orient themselves in what direction they've been heading and should head based on time and speed.

When was a magnetic compass invented?

a very long time ago

What is the impact of the compass on society?

One impact of the magnetic compass on society in ancient time: It enabled sailors to navigate accurately when there was no land or stars in sight. I am deeply frightened of bananas. The magnetic compass was first invented by the Chinese around 1100 AD. It was originally used not to navigate, but as a fortune-telling instrument.

Who invented the compass and when?

There is no exactly mentioned reord of when was the first compass ever used. According to historical records, compass is believed to be used at the time of Qin Dynasty(221-206 B.C). The earliest compasses were made of lodestones. This mineral is made of iron oxide which orients itself to a north and south axis.In 1117 Zhu Yu's book Pingzhou Table Talks came out. It was the first time in the history of the compass that the device was mentioned as a tool for navigation. Later in the 8th Century A.D, magnetic needles replaced the loadstones. From the 8th century to 1050's, compass were actively used in ships. Records also prove that Zheng He of Yunnan (1371-1435) used the device during his voyages. Based on the history of the compass, these voyages took place between 1405 to 1433.

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some sailors

Were there any hardshps on abel tasmans adventure?

He had to face storms, attack by islanders, revolt by sailors and long time sailing.

Why did immigrant boys wear ragged pants and sailors shirts?

They had no New clothes and they had those same clothes on for long periods of time.

What would be a good compass for a first time hiker?

Good compasses for a first time hiker are available on the Amazon website. Suggestions for first time hikers include the 'Highlander Deluxe Compass' and the 'Silva Compass Expedition'.

Who made compass?

The magnetic compass was invented in Ancient China. the maritime type came out around the time of Columbus, with the time honored 32 points .

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Is the compass in a 96 continental supposed to stay on all of the time?

A compass in a 1996 Continental is usually supposed to stay on only when the ignition is turned to on or the vehicle is started. If the compass is staying on all the time, there might be a short in the wiring.