

African Wild Dogs

Also known as the African Hunting Dog, this species of canine has black, grey, white and yellow patches on its coat. The African Wild Dog once can be found throughout Africa, but habitat destruction, decreasing number of prey and disease such as rabies, caused the population of the African Wild Dog to decline. This category contains questions about the African Wild Dog’s appearance, adaptation, etc.

492 Questions

What is bum made from?

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mainly tom pickford

What eats wild african dogs?

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Healthy Adult Males Does Not Have A Enemy. Not Even Lions. Lionesses Are Often Known To Attack Pups. Hyenas Are Cowards And Often Get Mobbed And Killed.

The Nile Crocodile Often Eats Females, Old, Sick Or Injured Wild Dogs. Females Have Enemies, Males Don't. DON'T!!! Jackals Are Often Seen Trying To Mob The Dogs. But Then The Dogs Will Kill The Jackal. Smaller Carnivores Such As Wildcats And Honey Badgers Are Often Killed. The Ethiopian Wolves And Wild Dogs Don't React Most To Eatchover. But If They Met. The Wild Dog Would Kill The Ethiopian Easily. Leopards And Cheetahs Are Often Killed. The Cheetah Would Be Killed By When They Chase The Cheetah Around Till It's Tired. Martial Eagles Can Be Killed.

Male Wild Dogs Are Vicious And Will Kill Anything. Humans Kill Wild Dogs But They Do Not Eat Them. I Swear, The Males Do Not Have ANY Predators Except Humans. (Even Though Humans Do Not Eat Them.)

What is a vestigal structure?

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A vestigial structure is a physical characteristic of an organism that has lost its original function through the process of evolution. These structures are remnants of traits that were once useful to the organism's ancestors but are no longer needed in their present form. Examples include the human appendix and the wings of flightless birds.

What make Saturn different other plants?

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Saturn is unique because of its spectacular ring system, which is made up of mainly ice particles and debris. It also has the second largest planetary atmosphere in our solar system, featuring prominent bands and a hexagonal storm at its north pole. Additionally, Saturn is known for its large number of moons, with over 80 confirmed satellites orbiting the planet.

How many years is 2 years for dogs?

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In human years,a 2 year old dog would be around 14 years of age.

Does a dog know its a dog?

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Here is an uneducated answer the the question. I believe a dog knows his place in his surroundings, whether it be a family home, or a pack of other dogs. He cannot reason the way a human can to know the meaning of the word (dog) as a noun describing a certain species.

How many teeth does the African wild dog have?

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African wild dogs, like all true canines, have 42 teeth.

How do African Painted Dogs protect themselves from danger?

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They are pack animals, and there is safety in numbers. A pack of wild dogs can intimidate a lion.

Who really did let the DOGS OUT?

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Asked by Haikou11

well, doggy fan.

first of all, the owner of these dogs obviously forgot to use his DOGGY COLLARS. because the dogs escaped becasue they werent wearing theire speacial diamonte doggy collars that keep them 'SAFE' in their kennels. some idiotic di*khead obviously thought OH WOW, LOOK THEIRS SOME DOGS WHO ARENT WEARING DIAMONTE DOGGY COLLARS, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? LETS THEM OUT.

so then somebody saw some hooligan dogs running up and down the streets egging every car that goes by and making a mess out of the inosent cats roaming by. so they made a song.

there you go bebe. :D IT WAS ME


WELL i must say, i have to agree that youngens answer was quite efficient. speaking of efficiency, CHANGE UR BALLS TO ECO FRIENDLY ONES ;)

ok so enough about eco friendly balls. yes, i do like the idea of the diamonte dawgay cawlers. i think they were purple. BUt

hold on a sec.



and you forgot to bring whipped cream condoms and like. cumcakes. ugh how could u do that to me :'(

ok yep. so the dogs kinda escaped from the kennel hound while the keeper was like taking a dump out back. and so like when he came back with a bit of crap on his pants, he realised, OH NO! WHYS IT SO QUIET?! ill go ceck on my biffel dogs. OWMYFAWKING GAWSHY


owmygawsh. who let them out of the kennels?

who let them out?


and then some rapper guy comes along and heres this fat-ar*se :) screaming and goes OH MY GAWSH i have to make that a song!!!! that's sexy




ILG ;)


Is a African wild dog baby a pup?

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There are many wild animals throughout Africs, and it is impossible to list all of them, but some of the most well known african animals include:

Lions, giraffe, African Elephants, Zebra, gazelle, Nile Crocodiles, hippopotamus, warthogs and hyenas.

If you are thinking of a specific animal, you may be thinking of African Wild dogs.

Why did Karana decide that she would kill the wild dogs?

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i dont know please help me this website is annoying

What is a nickname for a dog named peanut?

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It's SNOOPY he's a beagle a cute little thing isn't he!!

How much do adult cavapoo dogs weigh?

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10-20 pounds

Are African wild dogs losing their habitat?

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Humans have effected wild animals by killing them for their fur or meat and their numbers have dropped alot.

Can dogs suck blood?

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they can't 'suck' the blood, but they can drink it if they want to.

How many babies does a wild dog have?

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well wolves have between 1-6 pups but they can have more. it also depends on if the dog has been wild its whole life. What type (hyenas or African wild dogs, etc) of dog it is and if it is just a stray or if it is all wild, like living in the wild.

if its wild it will probably have less so that it can survive (meaning 1-6) and if it's a stray they can have between 1-12. it also depends on how long the dog has been a stray for because if it's mother and grandmother were wild/ strays then the dog will evolve to survive, meaning less pups.

What animal has better stamina a wolf or a wild dog of Africa?

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Wolves have more stamina than cheetahs. Even though cheetahs can run 70 miles an hour that's just for a short distance and the wolf can run 30 miles for a long period of time more than 20 miles.