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Q: Why did so many Americans move during the 1940s?
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Why did so many people move to Mexico City in 1940s?

It provided jobs, schools, and health services, but it did not provide security.

What was the trale of tears?

The Trail of Tears was the name given during the relocation of Native Americans from their lands to the west. Many of these relocations were forced as many tribes didn't feel they should move.

During World War 2 which group was forced to uproot and move to American relocation centers?

Japanese-Americans .

Why do many Latin Americans move to the cities?

To get better food

How many native Americans were forced to move west?

MANY were and it was very unfair

Why did many Americans move to the South in the 1970?

Many Americans move to the south in the 1970s due to economic status at that time. In south, there were more job opportunities and the economic was gaining gradual stability.

Why did many Aftican Americans move to the great plains?

there where job available

What invention allowed many Americans of the growing middle class to move?

The steamboat was invented by Robert Fulton to help Americans move across water and other landforms.

Where did American move during 1800 and 1850?

Americans in the early 1800’s had to out of the east coast cities because of overcrowding in the metropolitan areas. Americans move towards the west to cities like St. Louis and Chicago.

What caused many Americans to move to the suburbs in the 1950s?

the cities were dirty and dangerous

What caused many Americans to move into the suburbs in the 1950s?

the cities were dirty and dangerous

Why did many African Americans move to the plains?

beacusethey didnt like the laws there