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Some abolitionists disagreed with John Brown's actions because they were non-violent. They felt that active, armed attempts at abolition would result in active, armed attempts to keep slavery in tact. They feared the outbreak of a Civil War, which is exactly what happened not long after John Brown's raid.

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Vita Kulas

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2y ago
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Anya Kub

Lvl 10
2y ago

Some abolitionists disagreed with John Brown's actions because they were non-violent. They felt that active, armed attempts at abolition would result in active, armed attempts to keep slavery in tact. They feared the outbreak of a Civil War, which is exactly what happened not long after John Brown's raid.

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9y ago

Some abolitionists disagreed with John Brown's actions because they were non-violent. They felt that active, armed attempts at abolition would result in active, armed attempts to keep slavery in tact. They feared the outbreak of a Civil War, which is exactly what happened not long after John Brown's raid.

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11y ago

His actions were very violent and extreme.Brown was quickly convicted of treason,murder,and conspiracy.

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Why did some abolitionists disagree with john bowns actions?

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