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Napoleon had a tight reign on the legislature, controlling the press & making life extremely difficult for liberals & other dissidents.

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Q: Why did some liberals disapprove of the way Louis-Napoleon ruler France after the uprisings of 1848?
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What led most directly to Mexico declaring independence?

The invasion of Spain and Portugal by France during the Peninsular Wars (1807-1814)

What was the outcome of the most revolution outside France in 1848?

Most of the uprisings outside of France failed. The rulers used military force, and some of the revolutionaries didn't' have mass support.

What was the outcome of the most of the revolutions outside of France in 1848?

Most of the uprisings outside of France failed. The rulers used military force, and some of the revolutionaries didn't' have mass support.

What was the outcome of most of the revolutions outside France in 1848?

Most of the uprisings outside of France failed. The rulers used military force, and some of the revolutionaries didn't' have mass support.

Why did Mexico have such difficulty in nation-building after independence in 1821 to 1911?

Internal turmoil between conservatives and liberals, and constant meddling from foreign powers, including the United States, France and Spain.

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The Revolutions of 1848 was a series of political uprisings throughout Europe. They began in Sicily, moved on to France, Germany, back to Italy and the Austrian Empire. The entire series of revolutions ended in failure.

When did John Calvin break with the Catholic Church?

John Calvin, one of the key theologians and philosophers of the Protestant Reformation, broke away from the Catholic Church in 1530. He fled to Switzerland after anti-Protestant uprisings in France. While there, he published his "Institutes of Christian Religion" in 1536.

How well did Britain and France deal with decolonisation?

Neither country dealt with it perfectly, leading to uprisings among the colonials. France certainly did worse, leading to bloody wars in French Indochina and Algeria. Britain lost Palestine, Egypt, and India, and fought a war in Malaysia. Yet, both countries managed to remain world powers, even if they had to share it with the USA, USSR, and China.

Why did the Federalist disapprove of the french Revolution?

The Anti Federalists were very enthusiastic about the French Revolution. Thomas Jefferson supported the Revolutions Republican ideals. The Anti Federalists were known for their support of France versus the Federalist's support of Great Britain. Although the Anti Federalists were for the Revolution, they agreed with the Federalists to remain neutral in the Revolutionary War between Great Britain, Spain, France and other European powers.

What is meant by 1848 revolution of liberals?

The 1848 revolution of the liberals refers to the various national movements pioneered by educated middle classes alongside the revolts of the poor, unemployed and starving peasants and workers in Europe. While in countries like France, food shortages and widespread unemployment during 1848 led to popular uprisings, in other parts of Europe (such as Germany, Italy, Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire), men and women of the liberal middle classes came together to voice their demands for the creation of nation-states based on parliamentary principles. In Germany, for example, various political associations comprising middle-class professionals, businessmen and prosperous artisans came together in Frankfurt to form an all-German National Assembly. This Frankfurt parliament drafted a constitution for a German nation to be headed by a monarchy subject to a parliament. Though such liberal movements were ultimately suppressed by conservative forces, the old order could never be restored. The monarchs realised that the cycles of revolution and repression could only be ended by granting concessions to the liberal-nationalist revolutionaries. The political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals were clearly based on democratic ideals. Politically, they demanded constitutionalism with national unification-a nation-state with a written constitution and parliamentary administration. They wanted to rid society of its class-based partialities and birth rights. Serfdom and bonded labour had to be abolished, and economic equality had to be pursued as a national goal. The right to property was also significant in the liberals' concept of a nation based on political, social and economic freedom.

How did the nationalism represented by Bismarck differ from that embraced by liberal in the early 1800's?

Bismarck caused Germany to transform from a loose net of 39 states into the strongest industrial nation of Europe. The unification of Germany had a tremendous impact on European balance of powers for the rest of history. For nearly 30 years Bismarck dominated Germany and European politics. Liberals in early 1800 France championed the cause of nationalism and national unity, which they connected with constitutional rule and a nation state that would create unified systems of law to develop nation-wide markets. Bismark = repressed France = representation

What changes did the storming of Bastille bring about?

The storming of Bastille on July 14, 1789, was a symbolic event that marked the beginning of the French Revolution. It led to the fall of the absolute monarchy and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. The event also sparked a wave of popular uprisings across France and ultimately contributed to the overthrow of the French aristocracy and the rise of the French Republic.