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Because a lot of men becam unemplyed during the depression and could no longer provide for their families the way they used to.

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Q: Why did some men find their role in the family diminished during the depression?
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How did family roles change during the great depression?

The family roles changed drastically during the great depression. Men who could not find work were instead staying at home while women who were normally housewives were working. Even children were forced to find work to help the family survive.

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Where can one find information on symptoms of depression?

You can find information on depression symptoms from your family doctor or from online sites or forums. You can also find information in health books or magazines.

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I recommend connecting with family and friends on Facebook network if depression occurs. Communicate and express your self on this network. Your family and friends will help you through this rough time.

Grapes of Wrath and the Great Depression?

"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck explores the struggles of a family during the Great Depression as they migrate to find work in California. The novel highlights the economic hardships, displacement, and exploitation experienced by many during this period, shedding light on the human cost of economic inequality and social injustice. Steinbeck's story serves as a powerful critique of the societal conditions that led to the suffering of many during the Great Depression.

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Many kids were not able to attend school during the Depression. They may have been with their families who had to move around to find work where available.

Which group of the following was true about the deportation of Mexican Americans during the Great Depression?

find it yo self

Can you help me find the word diminished using it in a meaningful sentences?

Matthew's love of the sport diminished once his team lost the championship game. Due to diminished capacity, she was unfit to stand trial. Her craving for a cigarette diminished once she left the bar and went for a walk.

What do you do when you are so depressed?

Get help depression is not a joke. Go to a friend or family member first. If that doesn't help find a specialist.

Where can you find an online depression test? has a good depression screener. has a good depression self-assessment. Where can you find and online depression test? You can find online depression test all over the internet. I would suggest using

How can I make an alphabet book of the Great Depression when I can't find a word that starts with Q?

How about this? During the Great Depression, people learned that the QUALITY of life did not depend on how much money they had.

Where to find support in dealing with depression?

The best support that you can get while experiencing episodes of depression is from your family, best friends and loved ones. However, an experienced psychiatrist who has been dealing with depression patients can be a great help. As treatment along with support is necessary to win the battle against depression.