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Q: Why did the 2001 war in Afghanistan start?
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When did that Afghanistan war start?

it started in 2001

When did the Afghanistan war start and end?

2001 and it is still going on.

When did war in Afghanistan start?

It started in 2001.If you want the actual date here it September 11th 2001.

When did Afghanistan start?

The US invaded Afghanistan in 2001!

What date did the Afghanistan war start and finish?

it started in 2001 and it is present

What was the year of the Afghanistan war?


What year did Invasion of Afghanistan start?

the invasion of afghanistan started in 2001

When did the United State enter the Afghanistan war?

The war in Afghanistan seems to have been going on for the longest time. US soldiers were first sent into Afghanistan after the Russian pulled out of Afghanistan. The first US soldiers entered Afghanistan in 2001.

What year was the begin of the Afghanistan war?


What year was the Afghanistan War?


What year was Afghanistan War?


How long has the war been in Afghanistan?

The current war began in 2001.