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they wanted them to transfer smoothly to the after life

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Q: Why did the Ancient Egyptians decorate tombs?
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What did egyptians use to decorate there tombs?

one word...............PAINT!!

Why did the Ancient Egyptians build pyrimads?

The Ancient Egyptians built pyramids for tombs for their pharaohs and their queens.

Why were pyramids needed in the pyramids?

for ancient Egyptians tombs

What did the ancient egyptians use there pyrmids for?

To put the tombs in and in the tombs there are dead mummified people.

Why did the Egyptian build tombs?

The Egyptians built tombs to keep and protect mummies they would also decorate the insides with hieroglyphics and make traps for trespassers.

How were ancient tombs created?

It was the ancient Egyptians with old ancient looking hammers that were handmade and they also used chisels and they put the tombs inside pyramids.

What is the ancient Egyptians know for?

Elaborate tombs apex art

Where did the Ancient Egyptians bury their kings?

they buried them in pyramids or special tombs some tombs were hidden underground.

Why were important stuff in ancient Egyptians tombs?

so that they can use it in the afterlife. :)

How did the ancient egyptians bury their kings?

They buried them in sarchogus in tombs in the necropolis.

Which of these advantages did ancient Egyptians make?

the pyramid tombs

What Tools Did ancient Egyptians Use To make a sarcophagus?

what tools did they use inside the tombs