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It was a letter by Don Enrique Duprey de Lome, the Spanish Ambassador, for the US to the Spainsh foreign minister of Spain. Intercepted by Cuban revolutionaries and given to Hearst newspapers it helped spark the war with Spain over Cuba. McKinley criticized the letter as weak and for gaining favor. It was published Feb. 9, 1898 and McKinley asked Congress to declare war two months later on April 11, 1898. He had public support to go to war because of the letter.

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Q: Why did the Delome letter anger Americans?
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What letter written by the spanish ambassador to cuba infuriated the american people?

The Delome letter

WHat was the De Lome Letter?

A Cuban rebel in Havana, Cuba, in February 1898, intercepted a personal letter written by the Spanish ambassador to America, to a friend in Havana. The ambassador was Deputy Delome. Delome mad some very insulting remarks about the President of the U.S., McKinley. New York Journal reporters published this in their newspaper. Spain apologized for this even though the letter was unofficial, and Delome resigned.

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The Delome Letter was a document in 1898 in which the Spanish ambassador criticized President McKinley. It was intercepted and published by American newspapers, leading to a strong anti-Spanish sentiment and contributing to the outbreak of the Spanish-American War. The letter played a role in shaping public opinion and rallying support for the conflict.

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