

Why did the Egyptians pray to goddess bastet?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why did the Egyptians pray to goddess bastet?
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Related questions

What goddess did the ancient Egyptians associate with cats?

The goddess with the name of Bastet.

Why is Bastet a goddess for the ancient Egyptians?

Because they worshiped cats.

Is a cat symbolic to the ancient egyptians?

yes. bastet is the goddess of cats

Why did the Egyptians defy Bastet?

Ancient Egyptians had free will, even to disobey the deities, but Bast was a vengeance goddess who punished the enemies of Ra and the sinful.

Why do they worship cats in Egypt?

the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats because of their goddess bastet, also known as bast

What did the Bastet do?

nothing Bastet is a cat goddess

What was the name cat goddess?


Where did Bastet rule in Egypt?

Bastet is a goddess.

Which animal was the goddess Bastet?

Bastet was associated with the cat, and often depicted as a lioness or domestic cat. She was a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion, known as the goddess of home, fertility, and protection. Cats were considered sacred in ancient Egypt, and they were often kept as pets to honor Bastet.

Is bast the same as bastet?

Bast and Bastet are both the same goddess.

How did Bastet pass away?

Bastet the goddess also known as Bast, did not die.

When was bastet's death?

The ancient Egyptain cat goddess Bastet did not die in myths.