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Q: Why did the European setters come to America?
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Why did setters come to America?


Where did the New Jersey first European setters come from?

England. All 13 colonies were Engish.

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the way they pooed is unknown

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Where did the first Europeans setters come from when they reached Delaware?

from california

Where did the first setters in Quebec come from?

settlers in quebec were lazy

Where did the setters in Rome Italy come from?

china during the ming dynasty.

When did the largest group of European settlers come to America?

the europeans settled in America in 1607 cool ha

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They came with the colonists that came from England to America. The variety of honeybee is Apis mellifera, the European Honeybee.

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who was the first european to come in contact with a cocao bean

Who were the setters of Jametwon of Virginia?

They were English; English setters.

How did the people come to North America?

The first European immigrants came on ships across the Atlantic. The Aboriginals of North America are thought to have come to America by an Ice Bridge that was naturally formed linking what is now Alaska to Siberian Russia.