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The people of Germany took Adolf Hitler and his message seriously because Hitler seemed to be the only hope they had left and he seemed to have the willpower and belief in taking Germany and making it the greatest in most powerful country in all of the world.

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12y ago

Germans thought there government had sold them out by ending the first world war . at the end of the first world war Germany lost alot of land it wasnt allowed a navy and only a very small army.

in the years after it saw extreme economic crisis and therefore started looking towards more extremist parties (the Nazis). so by the time Hitler became leader of the nazi party the German people were looking for a hero to save them from the declines of previous governments.

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10y ago

They were struggling in a poor economy, they were frustrated with the outcome of WW I (feeling that their leaders had sold them out), they were ready to blame Jews and/or Communists for their problems.

My VersionTo me it comes down to two things.

Adolph Hitler was a very Charismatic man.

He told the People of Germany what they wanted to hear. That he would bring back the Glory Of Germany, Improve the Economy to the Boom years before the Depression and he focused their anger about those things on a particular group. Remember the normal people were much less educated and sophisticated than current everyday people.

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Because he promised to win the war and give them victory.

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12y ago

Because he was a dictator, he "brain washed" the Germans by giving and giving and by nationalism, saying that they are all one and he would make Germany a better country

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germans started to take hitler seriously because the wanted power. the belived that with hitler the could gain control of th e world and be the best. some where also afraid of him and did it to gain his trust.

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Because Hitler believed Germans was a super-race and all other races were inferior to Germans.

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if im understanding your question right, then no. Adolf Hitler lead the Germans

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Germans are included in the Aryan race.

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No, Hitler made Germany go into war where millions of Germans lost their lives, their homes and everything they had. After Hitler's death Germany was destroyed and in shambles, so he definitely was not an effective leader for the Germans.

What caused Germans to start talking about Adolf Hitler and his message seriously?

The Great Depression led to Germans needing anyone who proposed a solution, including ultra-right-wing solutions.