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Q: Why did the Israelites move to Judah?
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Why did the israelites leave Judah?

They were exiled by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia.

What name was given to Judah after exiling the Israelites?


Are African Americans israelites?

yes form the tribe of judah.

Which of the following meant anointed one?

The term "Messiah" means anointed one.

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Tribe of Judah They are Israelites Praise YHWH!

Who unified the Israelite's into a single nation?

King David united the Israelites into a single nation. He was the second king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah.

Why was the worship of Baal so fatal for the nations of Judah and Israel?

The most fundamental principle of Judaism is the worship of the One God. The Hebrew Bible, and the prophets, reminded the Israelites of this continuously. When some of the Israelites (people of Israel and/or Judah) ignored these reminders, it constituted a vast break with their tradition; and abandonment of the entire Torah was sure to eventually follow. See also:Monotheism among the Israelites

How did the Israelites come to Palestine?

According to the Biblical narrative, the Israelites approached Palestine from the East (where Jordan is now). According to archaeology, the Israelites were endemic to the Judean Highlands of Palestine (in what is now the West Bank and central Israel).

Where did the Israelites move to when a long drought began in Canaan?

a long drought began in canaan , so the Israelites had to move to where to survive

Were judeans israelites?

Yes, they comprised two of the twelve tribes of Israel (Judah and Benjamin), with remnants of all the other tribes of Israel.

Why did the Israelites build a dwelling place for God?

Today, we think of God as everywhere - he does not need a dwelling place. But to the Israelites, particularly in the southern kingdom of Judah, he was anthropomorphic - having human characteristics - and needed a dwelling place.

Did the Hebrews' move to canaan after the fall of judah?

No. They moved into Canaan long before the term "Judah" existed, around 2000 BCE.