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In the time of WWII the Japanese had a long held belief that their people group and society were superior to all other nations and people groups. This concept had been handed down from one generation to the next. When the Japanese imprisoned the British, American and Australian women those women were told they were inferior to the Japanese. They were told they were lower than dogs. So the Japanese men felt they could do whatever they wanted to the scum, lower than dogs POWs. The brutality was learned from the time they were young boys. Warrior training and concepts were ingrained in them. Think of it as a power trip to oppress lowlifes. Many Japanese people in Japan did not know their military conducted POW camps in this manner. Japan never signed the Geneva Convention document so they chose to run the POW camps any way they considered suitable.

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Q: Why did the Japanese show hatred by rapping women and children?
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That is the correct spelling of "misogyny" (hatred of women).