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California was in both the north and south.

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Q: Why did the Missouri compromise line not solve the problem of California's statehood?
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Why the Missouri Compromise line did not provide a solution to the problem of California's statehood?

Because California was in both the north and south.

What problem did people in Missouri have when the state requested statehood?

There was a problem when Missouri wanted to become a state because the south wanted Missouri to enter as a slave state but the north wanted Missouri to enter as a free state. Which led to the Missouri Compromise.

What problem did Missouri create when they applied for statehood?

The area that was to become the state of Missouri had slaves. Various proposed legislation put restrictions on Missouri with respect to slavery in order for it to become a state. Eventually, the state was allowed to be admitted as a slave state.

Was the Missouri Compromise of 1850 more favorable for the North or the South?

Basically the Missouri Compromise of 1850 was a fair compromise. One problem for Northern abolitionists was that the Compromise ushered in the Fugitive Slave Act. They were outraged that the new compromise included this law.

When Missouri requested statehood its admission presented a problem because people in the state what?

wanted to allow slavery

What problem did some northerners have with the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It violated the Missouri Compromise.

When Missouri requested statehood its admission presented a problem because people in the state wanted or did what?

The biggest problem was that Missouri wanted to be admitted as a slave state, upsetting the "balance of power" between free and slave states. The Missouri Compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state to maintain the balance, and also specified that no new slave states would be admitted north of the southern border of (most of) Missouri ... the southeastern corner of Missouri dips down into the "slave state" region. As you might expect if you knew anything about the politics of the time, this new rule lasted almost long enough for the ink to dry before people started contesting it.

Did the Missouri Compromise increase unity or division?

The Missouri Compromise was a temporary band aid on the problem of slavery. Many in the South wanted slavery and many in the North did not. It made more people unhappy.

The role of missouri compromise in self-governing society?

im pretty sure LAW is #1 problem.

What problem did the Missouri Compromise solve?

Wht two things did the missiori compromise solve

Compare and contrast the Compromise of 1850 and the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

The Compromise of 1850 can be compared to the Compromise of 1820 (Missouri Compromise), mainly by comparing how the two compromises were different and alike in how they were able to successfully appease both the North and the South on the issue of slavery. The Compromise of 1850 was designed to prevent the South from seceding, and delaying the Civil War. It was created mostly to deal with the problem on how to annex California into the Union, because the North and the South disputed over whether or not to split California into two different states, the Northern section being slave-free, and the Southern section allowing slavery. The Compromise of 1820 prohibited slavery above the line of 30o60' North, except in Missouri, therefore solving the problem of how to divide the land acquired by the Union in the Mexican War.

What problem did missourie's request for statehood cause?

Missouri's request for statehood touched off a sectional crisis between the northern, non-slave states and the south, slave holding states. The crisis was whether Missouri any states in general would become slave holding states or not.The promblems did Missouris request for statehood cause is Missouris request for statehood touched off a sectional crisis between the northern non-slave state and the south. Slave holding states. The crisis was wheather Missouri any states in general would become slave holding states or not.