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In the Third Reich, most young boys joined the "Deutsche Jungvolk" and then proceeded to the "Hitlerjugend" (HJ), while girls were part of the "Deutscher Jungmädelbund" and afterwards joined the "Bund Deutscher Mädel".

Since in a fascist nation it is very hard to differ from the rest, most people had their children join these groups, which replaced all other legal youth organizations in Nazi Germany. As far as i know, the HJ was kind of a mix of boy scouts, youth group and indoctrination machine.

Young people learned from the very beginning of their lives to follow the ways of their leader, who in turn promised them a glorious nation of 'Aryan' people, free of any 'contamination'. The enemy stereotypes 'Jew' and 'Not german' were etched on the memory and mind of most germans, thus making it rather easy to unite them against it.

Disclaimer: I am in no way antisemitic, racist or fascist. The terms in double apostrophes are the official names used by the fascist regime of the Third Reich.Since English is not my native languague, I used single apostrophes for terms that I think may offend some people in this context, so feel free to change them for more appropriate synonyms.

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13y ago

Becasue they marketed themselves as the party of the future

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11y ago

He replaced Boy Scouts with the Hitler Youth. They actually took an oath to him.

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