

Why did the Nazis burn Karl Marx's boks?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why did the Nazis burn Karl Marx's boks?
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The ovens used to burn the bodies were called crematoria.

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Why did the Nazis burn books?

Books provide ideas. They can provide alternative answers to the propaganda, contradicting the things the Nazi's wanted the people to believe. It is one way of controlling the population, controlling what they can know and learn. This meant the public would have no influences for ideas against the Nazis, preventing public rebellion which could cause the Nazis to lose power as the public gained power.

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Why do people burn books?

As the is An Adolf Hitler question. The Nazi's burned the books to show the hatred to the Jews 20,000 books were burned many by Jews and others like si-fi they didint like imagination also albert ensteins works were burnt because he was a Jew. "Where they burn books, at the end they also burn people" 1823 Heinrich Heine shows how right that is about the Nazis

What is Krematorium?

After the Nazis gased people (mainly jews), they would take the dead bodies to one of the many krematoriums to burn them. they would then dump the ashes in a lake or body of water, usually the one where the prisoners would drink out of.

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It was burned down in the night of 27-28 February 1933. It is widely suspected that the Nazis started the fire in order to create panic and make it easier for them to rule by decree.

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burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it burn it

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They would put them in Gas Chambers (With a deadly chemical called Zyclon B) they would also put them in ditches and burn them alive, make them dig their own grave and shoot them, and they also did other cruel things to them.

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Burning synagogues (Jewish places of worship) was one way of expressing hatred and intimidating Jews. (Compare with the burning of Black churches in the Deep South). It also made it very clear to the Jews that they were unwanted in Germany.

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