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Q: Why did the Nubian's become famous traders?
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How did Nubians become famous traders?

Because they have silt,rich soil,gold,stone and copper to sell that is why they are famous traders.

How did the nubians become famous traders?

They carried goods from central Africa and Nubia into Egypt and southwestern Asia and brought other goods back

How did the Nubian's become famous as traders?

The carried goods from central ago a and Nubia

How did Nubian become famous as traders?

The carried goods from central ago a and Nubia

What weapons did the Nubians use?

Most famous for their longbows, and their chocolate flingers.

How did Portuguese become superior traders?

The Portuguese came first as traders to India

Are nubians black africans?

Yes. The Nubians are Black.

When was The Nubians of Plutonia created?

The Nubians of Plutonia was created in 1958.

Why did most of the dutch who ventured overseas become traders?

most of the dutch who first ventured to new netherland were fur traders

What year did the Nubians form the kingdom of Kush?

The Nubians formed the kingdom of Kush in about 2000BC.

What were the Nubians known for?

The Nubians were known for their fighting skills. They were so good that they began making armies.

Why did the ancient and Nubians interact?

Ancient Egypt and Nubians interacted due to conquest, resistance, and collapse.