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Q: Why did the Nubians combine Egyptian culture with elements of their own culture?
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What tribe saw themselves as the restorers of Egyptians glory?

the nubians, they served in their armies and left their mark on Egyptian culture.

What were some elements Egyptian culture that became popular in Kush?

Egyptian became the region's language. They used Egyptian names and clothing. They also did Egyptian religious practices

Why did people in kush adopt some elements in Egyptian culture?

start learning dumasses

Why did people in kush adopt some elements from Egyptian culture?

start learning dumasses

The characteristics or elements of a culture are and?

Culture includes knowledge, art, beliefs, customs, and other habits that combine to make a group of people who they are.

What were two elements of Egyptian culture adopted by the Kushites?

history politics & society ancient Egypt

Why did people in kush adopt some elements of Egyptian culture?

People in Kush adopted elements because they became weaker and as they adopted elements they became wealthy and stronger.

What is the Egyptian culture?

This is either a very simple, or very big question. Simply put, "Egyptian culture" is the culture of the country and people of Egypt. If you mean "What are some elements of Egyptian culture?", that is much more complex.

How do I explain Kushes culture was a blend of Egyptian elements and its own unique culture heritage?

well i think i was almost the same but Kush was like really rich

When did the Egyptian culture exist and when did it end?

The ancient Egyptian culture began around 3150BC. The ancient Egyptian culture then ended in 31BC.

What was some of the elements of Egyptian culture that became popular in kush?

like the Egyptians, the people considered their rulers to be gods. Kush's culture was similar to Egypt's, but there were also important differences

What are the five elements in Egyptian culture?

harps, drums, wind instruments, singing, and foot stamping