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Q: Why did the Red Scare lead Americans to demand limits on immigration?
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Why did the red scare lead to demands to limit immigration?

Because Americans were afraid of communism and anarchism and did not like how the russians(communists) were coming over to their land so they created a quota system or a limit on immigration Hoped this helps(:

How did nativism and the Red Scare play into a Congressional limitations on immigration in the 1920s?

Nativism and the Red Scare played into Congressional limitations on immigration in the 1920s. This is because people feared that a Bolshevik revolution (which has just happened in Russia) would come to the United States.

How did Cortes shock and scare Native Americans?

there wifes:-}

What did Americans learn from the red scare?

absolutley nothing

Did immigration quotas in the early 1900s increase or decrease?

increase because of anti communist red scare

How did the red scare lead to anti-immigration sentiment in the us?

by tha way tha continental was workig

What were Americans afraid of during during the red scare?


What were Americans afraid of communisn during the red scare?


What did Americans see as a solution to the red scare?

the answer wass communism and war. If everyoe fought there would be no one else to be in the red scare

Do scare resource have a lower value yes or no?

the answer is yes and no. yes it has a lower value in some case though it doesn't always apply in all resource, some items increase in value with scare resources. economics 101-- if there is a demand it increases the value, though in water there is a demand though the value is still lower. it's concluded- if- there is a scare resource in water the value would continue to be lower though the demand will be higher.

What was the label for the postwar period when many Americans feared a bolshevik revolution?

They called that period the Red Scare. There was a second red scare in the 1950s.