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With 1 consul, they can make themselves dictators and Rome did not want that to happen. With 3, two could side against one and it could get unbalanced. With 2, one can veto the other and stop them from doing bad, hopefully balancing each other's weaknesses.

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11y ago

The Romans had two consuls for three reasons. One was to prevent one man from ever ruling them absolutely again, and to have more than one man's opinion on gubernatorial moves that could be put before the senate. A third reason was that consuls were sometimes away from Rome, as in, say, a war, because a consul could an did lead an army in the republic. When one consul was gone the other was still in the city to carry out business. Of course the above was the ideal. The reality could be very different.

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11y ago

The Romans elected two consuls so that they would not be subject to a one man rule as they were with the kings.

The Romans elected two consuls so that they would not be subject to a one man rule as they were with the kings.

The Romans elected two consuls so that they would not be subject to a one man rule as they were with the kings.

The Romans elected two consuls so that they would not be subject to a one man rule as they were with the kings.

The Romans elected two consuls so that they would not be subject to a one man rule as they were with the kings.

The Romans elected two consuls so that they would not be subject to a one man rule as they were with the kings.

The Romans elected two consuls so that they would not be subject to a one man rule as they were with the kings.

The Romans elected two consuls so that they would not be subject to a one man rule as they were with the kings.

The Romans elected two consuls so that they would not be subject to a one man rule as they were with the kings.

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8y ago

The republic was established after a rebellion which overthrew the last king of Rome, who was a tyrant. The Romans decided to abolish the monarchy and established the republic. The purpose of the republic was to prevent the return of tyranny. The king was replaced by two annually elected consuls. Having two men in charge meant that they could counterbalance each other. The short term of office prevented anyone form concentrating power in their hands

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14y ago

Two consuls so that one man didn't have all the power.

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11y ago

The Romans elected two consuls so that they would not be subject to a one man rule as they were with the kings.

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Q: Why did the Romans have two consuls rather than one?
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What was the key roman consul and great speaker?

There were no key Roman consuls. The Roman Republic was headed by two annually elected consuls. Therefore, during the 482 years of this republic there were army hundreds consuls. One man who was the most famous orator in Roman history and also served as a consul was Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Who were the elected officials of the Roman Empire?

The consuls were the top in the Roman Republic and there duties were to head the army and run the government. Also there were two consuls and they could veto another. This kept things in the republic straight and in align.

Who ruled Rome after 509 BC?

In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was formed and the Consuls and other magistrates ruled, along with the senate.

How did the Romans make sure that no one man could be too powerful?

With the abolition of the monarchy in a rebellion which deposed the last king of Rome because he was a tyrant, the republic was established to prevent the return of tyranny. The king was replaced by two annually elected consuls. Having two men in charge meant that they could counterbalance each other. The short term of office meant that no one could concentrate power in their hands.

How much gods did the Romans have?

one, chuck norris

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Why was there 2 consuls at the battle of cannae?

The Romans had two consuls so that power would not be in the hands of one man.The Romans had two consuls so that power would not be in the hands of one man.The Romans had two consuls so that power would not be in the hands of one man.The Romans had two consuls so that power would not be in the hands of one man.The Romans had two consuls so that power would not be in the hands of one man.The Romans had two consuls so that power would not be in the hands of one man.The Romans had two consuls so that power would not be in the hands of one man.The Romans had two consuls so that power would not be in the hands of one man.The Romans had two consuls so that power would not be in the hands of one man.

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Why did the roman war elected two cosuls instead of one?

The Romans elected two consuls in order to prevent one man from having all the power. Each man acted as a check on the other and their one year term of office prevented a pair of men becoming permanent rulers.The Romans elected two consuls in order to prevent one man from having all the power. Each man acted as a check on the other and their one year term of office prevented a pair of men becoming permanent rulers.The Romans elected two consuls in order to prevent one man from having all the power. Each man acted as a check on the other and their one year term of office prevented a pair of men becoming permanent rulers.The Romans elected two consuls in order to prevent one man from having all the power. Each man acted as a check on the other and their one year term of office prevented a pair of men becoming permanent rulers.The Romans elected two consuls in order to prevent one man from having all the power. Each man acted as a check on the other and their one year term of office prevented a pair of men becoming permanent rulers.The Romans elected two consuls in order to prevent one man from having all the power. Each man acted as a check on the other and their one year term of office prevented a pair of men becoming permanent rulers.The Romans elected two consuls in order to prevent one man from having all the power. Each man acted as a check on the other and their one year term of office prevented a pair of men becoming permanent rulers.The Romans elected two consuls in order to prevent one man from having all the power. Each man acted as a check on the other and their one year term of office prevented a pair of men becoming permanent rulers.The Romans elected two consuls in order to prevent one man from having all the power. Each man acted as a check on the other and their one year term of office prevented a pair of men becoming permanent rulers.

Why did Romans elected two consuls each year?

The Romans elected two consuls for a couple of reasons, one being that they did not want to give one man complete power, The only exception to this was the dictator who was appointed and not elected. Another reason was that with two consuls they could be assured of having at least one of them acting for the people in Rome, in case the other was away leading an army against an enemy as a consul was also a military leader.The Romans elected two consuls for a couple of reasons, one being that they did not want to give one man complete power, The only exception to this was the dictator who was appointed and not elected. Another reason was that with two consuls they could be assured of having at least one of them acting for the people in Rome, in case the other was away leading an army against an enemy as a consul was also a military leader.The Romans elected two consuls for a couple of reasons, one being that they did not want to give one man complete power, The only exception to this was the dictator who was appointed and not elected. Another reason was that with two consuls they could be assured of having at least one of them acting for the people in Rome, in case the other was away leading an army against an enemy as a consul was also a military leader.The Romans elected two consuls for a couple of reasons, one being that they did not want to give one man complete power, The only exception to this was the dictator who was appointed and not elected. Another reason was that with two consuls they could be assured of having at least one of them acting for the people in Rome, in case the other was away leading an army against an enemy as a consul was also a military leader.The Romans elected two consuls for a couple of reasons, one being that they did not want to give one man complete power, The only exception to this was the dictator who was appointed and not elected. Another reason was that with two consuls they could be assured of having at least one of them acting for the people in Rome, in case the other was away leading an army against an enemy as a consul was also a military leader.The Romans elected two consuls for a couple of reasons, one being that they did not want to give one man complete power, The only exception to this was the dictator who was appointed and not elected. Another reason was that with two consuls they could be assured of having at least one of them acting for the people in Rome, in case the other was away leading an army against an enemy as a consul was also a military leader.The Romans elected two consuls for a couple of reasons, one being that they did not want to give one man complete power, The only exception to this was the dictator who was appointed and not elected. Another reason was that with two consuls they could be assured of having at least one of them acting for the people in Rome, in case the other was away leading an army against an enemy as a consul was also a military leader.The Romans elected two consuls for a couple of reasons, one being that they did not want to give one man complete power, The only exception to this was the dictator who was appointed and not elected. Another reason was that with two consuls they could be assured of having at least one of them acting for the people in Rome, in case the other was away leading an army against an enemy as a consul was also a military leader.The Romans elected two consuls for a couple of reasons, one being that they did not want to give one man complete power, The only exception to this was the dictator who was appointed and not elected. Another reason was that with two consuls they could be assured of having at least one of them acting for the people in Rome, in case the other was away leading an army against an enemy as a consul was also a military leader.

Could you use provisional in the sentence?

The Romans could elect a provisional dictator for up to 6 months if the consuls needed one during a time of crisis.

How many councils were in the roman republic?

If you mean consuls, there were two in each year. The pair shared power. This arrangement prevented one man from becoming too powerful. If you mean councils, the Romans had councils for just about everything from family matters, to diplomatic affairs, to the military.If you mean consuls, there were two in each year. The pair shared power. This arrangement prevented one man from becoming too powerful. If you mean councils, the Romans had councils for just about everything from family matters, to diplomatic affairs, to the military.If you mean consuls, there were two in each year. The pair shared power. This arrangement prevented one man from becoming too powerful. If you mean councils, the Romans had councils for just about everything from family matters, to diplomatic affairs, to the military.If you mean consuls, there were two in each year. The pair shared power. This arrangement prevented one man from becoming too powerful. If you mean councils, the Romans had councils for just about everything from family matters, to diplomatic affairs, to the military.If you mean consuls, there were two in each year. The pair shared power. This arrangement prevented one man from becoming too powerful. If you mean councils, the Romans had councils for just about everything from family matters, to diplomatic affairs, to the military.If you mean consuls, there were two in each year. The pair shared power. This arrangement prevented one man from becoming too powerful. If you mean councils, the Romans had councils for just about everything from family matters, to diplomatic affairs, to the military.If you mean consuls, there were two in each year. The pair shared power. This arrangement prevented one man from becoming too powerful. If you mean councils, the Romans had councils for just about everything from family matters, to diplomatic affairs, to the military.If you mean consuls, there were two in each year. The pair shared power. This arrangement prevented one man from becoming too powerful. If you mean councils, the Romans had councils for just about everything from family matters, to diplomatic affairs, to the military.If you mean consuls, there were two in each year. The pair shared power. This arrangement prevented one man from becoming too powerful. If you mean councils, the Romans had councils for just about everything from family matters, to diplomatic affairs, to the military.

How can you describes the limits that were placed on the power of the roman consuls?

The main limit on the power of the two consuls was that their term of office was one year. After one year two new consuls were elected. There were two consuls instead of one was so that the two of them could counterbalance each other. The consuls could also veto each other's actions.

Which branch was of government the consuls Senate or Assembly had the most power explain?

The Consuls had the most power -- once they were elected, that is. It was the assemblies who elected the consuls, so they had the most power as far as electing the consuls goes. However, the candidates for consul (or any other position) came from and were nominated by the senate. So all the bodies of government were interwoven and no one branch had more power than the other.

How many members were in the roman consul?

If you mean the Roman consuls, the political office, there were two consuls who served for one year.

Use rather than in a sentence?

you should buy this car rather than that one.

Why did the Romans want to have 2 consults other than one?

The Roman Republic was established when the last king of Rome, who was a tyrant, was deposed in a rebellion. The Romans decided to abolish the monarchy to prevent the return of tyranny. This was the purpose of the Roman Republic. The king was replaced by two annually elected consuls. Having two men in charge meant that they could counterbalance each other, The short term of office meant that no one could concentrate power in their hands.