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there wasnt alot of lakes

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Q: Why did the Texans decide to go to the Alamo and have the battle there?
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How did the Texans first go to the Alamo to occupy the Alamo during the war for independence?

The Texan army set up for battle there to suprise the Santa Anna army.

Who died in the Alamo?

there were many deaths in the battle of the alamo but the most remebered death was of general EF Alamo. he was the leader of the conffedrate army. most say he could of became pressident after obamo

What is the significance of the Alamo in the Texas war for independence?

The Alamo was dead in the middle of where the Mexicans needed to go. The Anglos (Americans living in Texas) defended the Alamo for over one week! In the end they all died, but the war cry of 'Remember the Alamo!' means to stand up for what you believe in and do it- until it's done.

Can you go to the Alamo?

Yes, the Alamo is open to the public.

Why did Sam Houston go to the Alamo?

Sam Houston fought in the Alamo for Independence.

What is the second battle of the Texas Revolution?

There were more then three Battle in the Texas Revolution, but the most cited were the opening event called the Battle of Gonzales which was really less then a skrimish, the Battle of the Alamo which marked the low point of the Revolution and the Battle of San Jacinto, which effectively ended the Revolution with the capture of Santa Anna.

What role play did Juan seguin play in the Texas revolution?

Juan Seguin fought in the siege of the Alamo until William B. Travis made him send a letter to Sam Houston looking for help and when Juan wanted to go back to the Alamo and help Houston made him stay and then he fought in the battle of San Jacinto

What nicknames does Roberto Julio Alamo go by?

Roberto Julio Alamo goes by Rolls3D.

What difficulties did Santa Anna's troops have to go through to overcome before the Alamo was captured?

As with most armies through out history, the biggest problem was getting there. The Mexican Army had to march from Mexico to Texas.

Why did davy Crockett go to Texas?

To fight in the Mexican war, he died in the Alamo battle I always heard he came to the Alamo because he was hunting bear and he saw on the map where X marked the spot (San Antonio de BeXar)

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Why was the Battle of the Alamo important?

The Alamo was important because when it fell, it showed Texans how hard they would have to fight for independence. The loss also prompted Texas to recruit more volunteers to fight in this Revolution.