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They focus on an individua'ls experience and emotions--APEX

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Q: Why did the Transcendentalists like the form of the personal essay?
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Why did transcendentalists like the form of the personal essay so much?

This form values the individual's perspective on the world

Why did the Transcendentalists like the form of the personal essay so much?

Transcendentalists believed in the importance of individual expression and self-reliance. The personal essay allowed them to explore their thoughts and ideas in a subjective and introspective manner, aligning with their philosophical beliefs. It also served as a medium to communicate their transcendentalist values to a wider audience in a more accessible and personal way.

Which sounds most like a topic for a personal essay?

How I feel about my hometown

Like all decisions in any essay the decision to depart from a personal essay's basic structure should?

Be based on communicating the thesis effectively.

What is an example of a excellent personal narrative essay?

An excellent personal narrative essay should be engaging, descriptive, and provide insight into the writer's personal experiences and growth. For example, an essay that reflects on a significant life event, such as overcoming a challenge or learning a valuable life lesson, can make for a compelling personal narrative. The essay should use vivid details and emotions to draw the reader in and leave them with a deeper understanding of the writer's journey.

What type of essay is.. As I watched my family members celebrate in my honor I realized that my Mexican heritage was not something intangible like a bunch of old stories about long-gone relatives.?

This type of essay can be classified as a personal narrative essay, as it involves the author sharing a personal experience and reflecting on its meaning in their life. It combines storytelling with personal insights and reflections on identity.

Is the transcendentalists view on life pessimistic or optimistic?

neither they like flowers. coral.

How do transcendentalists define truth?

Transcendentalists believe that truth is derived from intuition, personal experience, and inner reflection rather than from external sources like tradition or authority. They emphasize the importance of connecting with one's inner self and nature to uncover universal truths. Truth for transcendentalists is seen as a spiritual and intuitive understanding of the world, rather than relying solely on logic or empirical evidence.

What are transcendentalists view on society?

Transcendentalists view on society is the fact that people should basically live like the Native Americans did. Peacefully, in harmony, with hardly any supplies. The live in what is called a Utopian Community.

What would be an appropriate topic for a personal essay?

An account of your personal difficulty and eventual triumph in learning to draw with charcoal

What does an epistolary essay look like?

An essay.

A personal essay is what?

more concerned with the author's thinking than in persuading the reader of one point or another.