

Why did the US order the atomic bomb to be built?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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because they knew if they didnt the Germans would

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Q: Why did the US order the atomic bomb to be built?
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Who was the US group that built the atomic bombs?

The Manhatten Project was the orginization that developed the atomic bomb.

Top secret US group that built the atomic bomb?

the answer is "THE MANHATTAN PROJECT" :D

Who created and used the atomic bomb?

the us created the atomic bomb

Is Pakistani bomb is an Islamic bomb?

If you consider the US atomic bomb is a Christian bomb, the French atomic bomb is also Christian bomb and so on, then you can name the Pakistani atomic bomb an Islamic bomb.

When did the US Use atomic bomb on japan?

The US dropped the atomic bomb onto Japan on August 1945.

Why did the US build the atomic bomb?

To defend against a possible Nazi atomic bomb!

What new bomb was made after the atomic bomb by the us?

The hydrogen bomb.

Which superpower was the first to create the atomic bomb?

The US built it, but was not quite a superpower at the time. The US and USSR became superpowers a few years after the war.

When did US atomic bomb?


How was the atomic bomb built and when?

This is a very long process, and we give rather short answers. You need to research the Manhattan Project. That was the code name for the US Atomic Weapons program. There were 2 different types of atomic weapons built, and they were completed in 1945.

Who is credited with creating the atomic bomb?

Leo Szilard invented the atomic bomb in 1933, but no one person can be credited with creating it. Remember the US spent $2,000,000,000 on constructing and operating the huge industrial infrastructure needed to build them before a single bomb could be built!

Did the US consider using the Atomic Bomb?

The A-Bomb was invented in 1945.