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Kemet means the Black Land, a reference to rich black silt left after the annual flooding of the Nile.

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Q: Why did the ancient egyptians call the land they chose to live on kemet?
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Why did the ancient egyptians call the land kemet?

The Nile would flood every year leaving dark soil, therefore they called it Kemet,the black land :) MAKE TODAY A SUNNY DAY!

What did the ancient civilizations call themselves like the Hittites the sumerians Egyptians...etc?

KEMET was the name of the country now called Egypt

What did The ancient Egyptian call their land?

sweetie they called it kemet! ancient egyptain called there country kemet

Why did ancient Egyptians call their country the black land?

Well, at the moment, the controversy about people claiming that the Ancient Egyptians were black which is false, is why some people may think that the Egyptians called their country the black land. But that is not the reason, as they were not black. The Ancient Egyptians called their land Kemet, which means black land. The soil at the banks of Nile was very dark in colour, and the soil was of great importance, since the country was mostly desert. Because the soil was dark, the Ancient Egyptians thought of their country as a dark, or black land, because of the land colour around the river.

What is the name of the Ancient Egyptian religion where they worshiped many gods?

Ancient Egyptians did not have a term for what we would call "polytheism" since everyone was polytheist at that time. The Egyptians had no concept of monotheism, atheism, or henotheism with which to contrast their belief. As for what they called their religion, they called it "Kemet", which was the Ancient Egyptian word for "Egyptian". To them, there was no distinction between the Egyptian people and the Egyptian religion. Those who worshiped other gods or pantheons in Egypt were simply not Egyptians, but foreigners.

What is the ancient name of Kemet?

It actually means 'Land of the Black Faces."KMT -- It actually means 'Black Land" meaning fertile. KMTians were a Name for what we now call Ancient Egyptians (Greekword Aegyptos). KMT denotes the color of the land not the skin.Some opine that KMT meant "Land of Ham." This debate falls on the information that Ham, who was one of the three sons of Noah and the direct ancestor of the Egyptians, was black. This debate would say KMT is a derivative of the word "Khem" (Cham or Ham).

Why did the Egyptians call their country black land?

Well, at the moment, the controversy about people claiming that the Ancient Egyptians were black which is false, is why some people may think that the Egyptians called their country the black land. But that is not the reason, as they were not black. The Ancient Egyptians called their land Kemet, which means black land. The soil at the banks of Nile was very dark in colour, and the soil was of great importance, since the country was mostly desert. Because the soil was dark, the Ancient Egyptians thought of their country as a dark, or black land, because of the land colour around the river.

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