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The brown spider monkey became endangered because of all the habitat loss. They were also threatened by hunters!!

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Q: Why did the brown spider monkey become endangered?
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Are spider monkeys endangered?

Three spider monkey species are officially "endangered : the white-bellied spider monkey, brown-headed spider monkey, and white-whiskered spider monkey. Other species are also being subjected to varying degrees of loss of habitat.

How many spider monkeys left in the world?

There are 7 species of spider monkey, all of which are considered under threat. The Black-headed Spider Monkey and the Brown Spider Monkey are both critically endangered. There are approximately 60 Brown Spider Monkeys in zoos, but there estimated total population is unknown. They are considered one of the 25 most critically endangered Primates by the IUCN.

What is the common name for a monkey?

That is its common name. They are further described mostly by color and habitat. Red-faced spider monkey White-fronted spider monkey Brown spider monkey (aka Hybrid Spider Monkey) White-cheeked spider monkey Black-headed spider monkey Brown-headed spider monkey Ornate spider monkey (subspecies Geoffroy's) Peruvian spider monkey Colombian spider monkey (Geoffroy's spider monkeys:) - Yucatan spider monkey - Mexican spider monkey - Nicaraguan spider monkey

Is the brown headed spider monkey endangered?

I don't know...But i need to know as well cos i need to do an assignment on them, and am struggling :S

Is a brown-headed spider monkey a producer or a consumer?


What color are hybrid spider monkeys?

The black-handed spider monkey has a light to medium brown body and darker limbs with the hands and feet usually black in color. The tail is sometimes longer than the body. When the animal is on the lookout, it stands or walks on two feet, using the tail to hold on to a support.

How does a spider-monkey look?

brown with black on there elbows and knees

How many brown spider monkey is there left in the wild?


What do brown spider monkey eat?

they eat fruit

Brown-Headed Spider Monkey Habitat?

the black spider monkey probobly lives in rainforest or tropical areas

How many types of spider monkeys are there?

There are 7 to 9 species of spider monkeys in the world, genus Ateles. The related genus is Brachyteles, the "woolly spider monkey" (also known as the Muriqui). There are 3 subspecies of the black-headed spider monkey and 4 additional subspecies within the species Geoffroyi.Red-faced spider monkey, Ateles paniscusWhite-fronted spider monkey, Ateles belzebuthPeruvian spider monkey, Ateles chamekBrown spider monkey, Ateles hybridusWhite-cheeked spider monkey, Ateles marginatusBlack-headed spider monkey, Ateles fuscicepsBrown-headed spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps fuscicepsColombian spider monkey, Ateles fusciceps rufiventrisGeoffroy's spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi- Yucatan spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis- Mexican spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi vellerosus- Nicaraguan spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi geoffroyi- Ornate spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi ornatusThe most endangered spider monkeys are the black-headed spider monkey and the brown spider monkey.

What is the average weight of a brown spider monkey?

13 to 25 lbs.