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the church leader's felt threatened because then the people who went to the catholic church would believe Galileo's theory, protest against the church and do the same as what Martin Luther did in the past which was to protest against the catholic church and preach his own believes to the people of rome.

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1w ago

Church leaders felt threatened by Galileo's support of the heliocentric theory because it contradicted the geocentric view supported by scripture, challenging the Church's authority over matters of science and interpretation of The Bible. They viewed his ideas as heretical and a threat to the Church's power and influence over society.

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11y ago

At that period of history, the church wished to be the sole authority on all questions, and the source of all knowledge, so they did not wish anyone else to come up with any new answers. This attitude is reflected in the claim, which amazingly is still made by some people, that anything worth knowing is in the bible.

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9y ago

The Catholic church prosecuted Galileo for his ideas. He was excommunicated and the church tried to negate his opinions that threatened its existence.

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11y ago
They were fearful of the new discoveries because it would affect
1: religious teachings2: their status in society

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Q: Why did church leaders feel so threatened by Galileo's support of the heliocentric theory?
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Why did catholic church leaders oppose Galileos heliocenric model of the unniverse?

They opposed it because at that time there was no evidence strong enough to abandon the old geocentric theory. Science did not have the evidence until the later theories of gravity and the laws of motion were discovered, and it was then possible to calculate that the Sun is so much more massive than the rest of the solar system that it must be at the centre. The church leaders knew about the heliocentric theory and asked for the evidence to support it, which was not available at the time, as was proved at Galileo's trial.

What controversy did Galileos work cause?

Galileo's work caused controversy because it challenged the accepted geocentric model of the universe, which placed Earth at the center. His support for the heliocentric model, with the sun at the center, contradicted religious teachings of the time. This led to conflicts with the Catholic Church and Galileo being condemned for heresy.

What invention provided evidence to support the heliocentric view?

The telescope

What was galileos thepry of the solar system?

Galileo Galilei's theory of the solar system was largely based on the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus, with the sun at the center instead of the Earth. Galileo's observations and use of the telescope provided evidence to support this model, ultimately leading to a better understanding of the structure of our solar system.

How did data gathered using Galileo's telescope support the heliocentric model?

By looking into space with the telescope.

Related questions

Why did catholic church leaders oppose Galileos heliocenric model of the unniverse?

They opposed it because at that time there was no evidence strong enough to abandon the old geocentric theory. Science did not have the evidence until the later theories of gravity and the laws of motion were discovered, and it was then possible to calculate that the Sun is so much more massive than the rest of the solar system that it must be at the centre. The church leaders knew about the heliocentric theory and asked for the evidence to support it, which was not available at the time, as was proved at Galileo's trial.

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they promised to support Austria-Hungary after it threatened to invade Serbia

What invention provided evidence to support the heliocentric view?

The telescope

How did these discoveries help support the heliocentric theroy?

You need to say which theories you are asking about.

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How did data gathered using Galileo's telescope support the heliocentric model?

By looking into space with the telescope.

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What did Hamilton after to do to win support for his plan from the southern leaders

What model did Copernicus support?

He thought of and supported the heliocentric model, which states the "heavens" revolve around the Sun.

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What instrument did Galileo develop which help find evidence to support the heliocentric theory?

Galileo developed the telescope, which allowed him to observe celestial bodies such as the moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus. These observations provided evidence to support the heliocentric theory proposed by Copernicus.