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Q: Why did the country experience a Red Scare after World War 1?
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What was the Red Scare after World War?

the red scare was a huge blob of red clay that tormented the citizens of the united state, hence the name red scare

Red scare in America after World War 1?

It was World War 2. The Red Scare is the fear of the spreading of Communism.

What was the second red scare?

It was the scare that the soviets would spread communism over the world.

Does red scare mean the same as McCarthyism and did red scare include anti-communist persecutions?

No the Red Scare is not the same as McCarthyism. It was the term for the fear that Communism would take over America and the world. Anti-communist persecutions were a result of the Red Scare.

Why was there a red scare right after World War 1?


Why was the red scare?

The red scare came in the wake of World War I. It showed an excessive fear leading to violations of individual rights.

What is the black list from McCarthyism and the red scare of the 1950?

the red scare is when people where dying all over the world because of the anti- communist.

Why was the red scare important?

The red scare came in the wake of World War I. It showed an excessive fear leading to violations of individual rights.

Who are some of the red scare groups?

who was involve in the red scare who was involve in the red scare

When did the fear of Communism known as the Red Scare begin in the US?

Following the Bolshevist revolution the first 'Red Scare' was from 1919 through 1921 then the second 'Red Scare' (McCarthyism) followed after the Second World War 1947 to 1954 .

How was the red scare different from the Salem witch hunts?

The two big differences are: 1. Salem caused 20 executions. The Red Scare killed no one. 2. There were no witches in Salem but there were real communists in the world during the red scare.

The red scare was a response to?

The Red Scare was a response to Communism