

Why did the death camp kill people?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The Holocaust killed people because Hitler was stupid, and wanted to kill his own people! Hitler was a Jew, so he just wanted to get rid of them.

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How did they kill the people at the Auschwitz death camp?

One wayy they killed people is gas chambers

What were death or extermination camps?

Death and Extermination Camps were Self Purposed Camps which were mainly intended to kill a lot of people, Camps like Treblinka, Sobibor and Belzec were Camps which had a sole purpose of kill as much people as possible but also the most efficient. These camps had a average death rate f at least 15,000 People a month. Auschwitz was the exception; it operated as both a death camp and a concentration camp. Also with its sub-camps was the largest supplier of labour in the camp system.

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uhh they did

What was the purpose of the Auschwitz camp?

The purpose of the Auschwitz camp was to kill people or put them to work.

How would they kill you in a death camp?

The extermination camps relied mainly on gassing to kill. Some prisoners were shot and at some of the camps they were worked to death on inadequate food.

Who was auschwiz?

auschwiz is a death camp to kill captured victims of Nazis

How was the Auschwitz camp like?

Auschwitz concentration camps is an imfaous okace to be in, Thousands of people died daily, The living conditions was poor for the prisoners,the SS Officers their dont care who they kill and how many they killed. Auschwitz is a killing camp and a working to death camp 1.2 million jews were killed by shootings, Gassing, Beatings or working to death and many people worked as slave labourers

What four ways did the Nazis kill concentration camp victims?

They gassed. They worked you to death. They starved. And they bayoneted.

What people were sent to Hitler's concentration camp?

Jewish people were sent to Hitler's concentration camp. They were starved there, beaten and most were burned to death.

What is aConcentration camp?

A concentration camp is a camp where the Jewish people were sent to when they were called. The camp had very bad conditions and as Jews were considered outlaws they were treated badly. Over 1000 people died in concentration camps all over Europe. People were even gassed to death at concentration generically a concentration camp was like a prison

Did Hitler work at a prison camp?

no he just order people to kill the Jews

What as the purpose of death camps?

to kill people.