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Q: Why did the delegates put off the slavery issue when writing the new constitution Would this issue be easier to settle in the future?
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Why didn't all states ratify the constitution?

They all did ratify, but some battles were harder than others. It depended on how many delegates had been there (Pennsylvania was one of the first 9 to ratify and it had 8 delegates), which delegates they were, and how many Anti-Federalists there were. The fight for ratification in New York was particularly bitter, as they had one delegate (who lost his vote when the other 2 NY delegates left), a slew of ardent Anti-Federalists, and several nasty exchanges in the ratification convention. It was actually that that led to the creation of the Federalist Papers. Other states were easier, like Delaware, which was the first state because it was the first to ratify.

What men helped abolish slavery?

Abraham Lincoln was the leader of the Union, or the northern united states, during the civil war. The civil war was the conflict that led to the abolishment of slavery. However, the war was more about preventing states from having the right to secede than to abolish slavery. Lincoln banned slavery in order to cripple the southern economy, making a union victory easier.

What was the ideologies of the Bull Moose Party?

The Bull Moose Party's ideologies include, but are not limited to banking revision, industry health insurance, easier method to amend the constitution, social welfare assistance and worker's compensation.

How did bacon's rebellion affect the institution of slavery?

Bacon's rebellion took place because indentured servants in Virginia were dissatisfied with how they were being treated. The rebellion showed the upper class that they needed a more docile labor force who would be easier to control. This lead them to rely much more on African slaves.

Why were maps invented?

Maps were invented for people to find their way easier. they were easier because the lay out had all of the information onit

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What Happened at the party convention for the Democrats that affected the 1860?

Many Southern delegates walked out of the Democratic Convention after it refused to include a plank to defend slavery in the platform. They later met and nominated their own pro-slavery candidate. This obviously split the Democrat vote and made it easier for the Republican, Lincoln, to win.

What happened at the party convention for the Democrats that affected the 1860 election?

Many Southern delegates walked out of the Democratic Convention after it refused to include a plank to defend slavery in the platform. They later met and nominated their own pro-slavery candidate. This obviously split the Democrat vote and made it easier for the Republican, Lincoln, to win.

What happened at the party for the democrats that affected the 1860 presidential election?

Many Southern delegates walked out of the Democratic Convention after it refused to include a plank to defend slavery in the platform. They later met and nominated their own pro-slavery candidate. This obviously split the Democrat vote and made it easier for the Republican, Lincoln, to win.

What happened at the party convention for democrats that affected the 1860 election?

Many Southern delegates walked out of the Democratic Convention after it refused to include a plank to defend slavery in the platform. They later met and nominated their own pro-slavery candidate. This obviously split the Democrat vote and made it easier for the Republican, Lincoln, to win.

What happen at the party convention for the Democrats that affected the 1860 presidential election?

Many Southern delegates walked out of the Democratic Convention after it refused to include a plank to defend slavery in the platform. They later met and nominated their own pro-slavery candidate. This obviously split the Democrat vote and made it easier for the Republican, Lincoln, to win.

What happened at the party convention for the democrats that affected 1860 presidential election?

Many Southern delegates walked out of the Democratic Convention after it refused to include a plank to defend slavery in the platform. They later met and nominated their own pro-slavery candidate. This obviously split the Democrat vote and made it easier for the Republican, Lincoln, to win.

What happened at the party convention for Democrats that affected the 1860 presidential election?

Many Southern delegates walked out of the Democratic Convention after it refused to include a plank to defend slavery in the platform. They later met and nominated their own pro-slavery candidate. This obviously split the Democrat vote and made it easier for the Republican, Lincoln, to win.

Why was it easier to end the slave trade than slavery itself?

Because if you end the source in which slavery comes from, then you can eventually end all of slavery.

Is it better to have a strong or weak constitution?

a strong constitution because you can protect your country easier.

Why abbreviate Dr title?

Because writing Dr is easier than writing Doctor.

Which is easier to stop Racism or Slavery?

Their both impossible to stop. People are going to keep doing it forever. Slavery has stopped in the us, but in Africia there is still slavery. Thanks for asking.

Why did the Phoenician alphabet make it easier for the people in the ancient world?

It facilitated written communication and record keeping.