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Note that it also helped support the theory of inflation. The reason is that the observed radiation very closely matched what was expected from the theory.

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Q: Why did the discovery of cosmic background radiation with a wavelength of 7.35 cm help support the big bang theory?
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Why did the discovery of background radiation with a wavelength of 7.35 cm help to support the big bang theory of the universe?

I am not entirely sure about the wavelength; however, the features of the background radiation agree very closely to what would be expected from the Big Bang theory.

Why did the discovery of cosmic background radiation with a wavelength of 7.35 cm help to support the big bang theory of the universe?

The radiation was 100 times more than expected and they were certain it did not come from our galaxy. They reasoned that the Big Bang had released a tremendous blast of radiation and scattered the matter that condensed into galaxies.

What did the discovery of background radiation distributed evenly throughout the universe provide support for?

either starlight spectra or moving galaxies.

Which theory of the universe did the 1964 discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation support?

I didn't check the year... But the cosmic background radiation is said to support the big bang theory, because it agrees with the radiation that is expected from an expanding Universe.

What are two pieces of evidence that support the Big Bang theory?

Hubble's discovery in the 1920s of a relationship between a galaxy's distance from Earth and its speed; and the discovery in the 1960s of cosmic microwave background radiation.

Why did the discovery of cosmic background radiation with a microwave wavelength support the big bang theory of the universe?

Big Bang Cosmology predicted the existence, isotropy, and spectrum of the CBR; all other hypotheses have no explanation for it. When one idea perfectly explains an undeniable fact of our Universe, and another utterly fails to do so; scientists tend to prefer the former idea.

What scientists use to support the big bang theory?

The Doppler effect and background cosmic radiation are the big ones.

What are the 2 terms to support the big bang theory?

1) Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation 2) The universe is very quickly expanding

How does the presence of CMBR support the big bang theory?

Basically, in that it closely agrees to what is expected from the Big Bang - this includes the existence of the background radiation, its approximate temperature, and its anisotropies. For more details, I suggest you read some more about the cosmic microwave background radiation - for example, you might start with the corresponding Wikipedia article.

How do cosmic background radiation the chemical composition of the universe redshift of light and movement of galaxies support the theory of the Big Bang?

Redshift: The only reasonable explanation for the redshift is that most galaxies are moving away from us.As for the cosmic background radiation and the chemical composition, both of these closely match what is expected from the models about the Big Bang.

How is cosmic background radiation related to the big bang?

The cosmic background radiation is considered by science to be elegant proof of a model of the universe which was once dense and hot and filled with a uniform glow. Expansion of the universe would cause the wavelength of this light to increase (in other words, the energy of the photons to decrease) to the level seen today, which peaks in the microwave region of the spectrum. The fact that this detectable "afterglow" does not have a specific source and seems fairly uniform in all directions also supports this model. Since these observations seem consistent with the Big Bang, this tends to support its position as the leading scientific theory of the origin of the universe.

Does the cosmic background radiation support the big bang theory in 1965?

The big bang theory is a useful and effective explanation for the cosmic microwave background, as well as for a number of other observations. Theories are proposed to explain observations. Real scientists don't pull theories out of the air and then go looking for ways to support them. That's not how science works.